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#1 Buy the Book

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#2 Sponsor EmPower Us! 

“EmPower Us! as an intergenerational movement is absolute genius! It breaks down stereotypes across generations … to spark sustainable value ecosystems.”—Shagorika Heryani, Regional Head of Strategy, Grey Group AMEA

Empower our imperatives to give an active voice to everyone who wants to make the world a better place:
  • Fuel Boomers2Zoomers Network

  • Catalyze Entrepreneurs’ Social Impact Ventures

  • Build an Impact Assessment Index  


#3 Build a Human-Centered Enterprise (Coaching)

Our Catalyzer Lab provides an organizational reset using the ABCD’s of Transformation to address the challenges to become a human-centered business.  Our Purpose is to achieve Strategic Harmony. Integrating the mind and heart, it is a blueprint for an equitable economy and society able to overcome the conflict-based, corruption and greed inherent in our global environment.

Strategic Harmony requires changing the way: (1) we live our core values, (2) we use our resources, (3) we engage our communities, and (4) our leaders direct our institutions. The change begins with transforming the mindset to be stakeholder-centric. It is a transformative environment for leaders to realize their potential as Catalyzers of change. ..


#4 Become a Global Catalyzer (Capacity Building)

Our Catalyzer Lab develops the capacity of emerging and current leaders to become Catalyzers  of change. They transform their Love of Purpose and values into a Power that catalyzes the impact on organizations and businesses. They leverage emerging technologies and data for radical innovation and exponential growth, through collaborative decision-making, impacting the Quadruple Bottom Line (people, planet, profit, prosperity of community).

Our values-based, impact-driven blended learning platform prepares executives, entrepreneurs and Rising Voices (Next Generation, Women, Marginalized) to lead in the 21st century.  Catalyzer certificates are awarded. 

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