“EmPower Us! redefines “Value” as purpose-driven, equitable social impact, addressing all stakeholders’ needs. It is a roadmap to rise above the individual, national and corporate self-interests to collaborate on human-centered solutions, restoring Trust and Transparency on the impact of emerging technologies.”
Navroop Sahdev, CEO, The Digital Economist
“There are many “fix society” books. This is one of the best that I have read. My own answers to these multiple crises proposed building better systems of capitalism and democracy, all moved by the spirit of the Common Good. But Kaufman and Srića, went much deeper with their analysis of why societies break down.”
Philip Kotler, Father of Modern Marketing, Confronting Capitalism, Democracy in Decline, Advancing the Common Good
“This “can’t-put-it-down” book is a powerful contribution to all the Earth. It shares miraculous solutions inspiring every reader to find their highest life mission—higher than we would dare—to be part of the solution. Do read EmPower Us! now!”
Susan Davis Moora, Mother Social Investment Industry, Founder, KINS
“This book is an invitation to look at the world with curious kids’ eyes to cooperate and manage social and economic processes differently! It is a call to let love and creativity Empower us to bring Harmony to society! Can the world really become a big orchestra playing beautiful, noble, and human music that turns us all into Cata¬lysts of change? Srića and Kaufman say it is possible. We have to let our soul listen to their New Harmony.”
Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović, Ph.D., President of Croatia (2010–2015)
“EmPower Us! challenges the reader to embark on a transformational journey. Instead of accepting the world as is, the authors give us a guide to harnessing our passion to be the change we want to see in the world.”
Erik Qualman, Futurist, #1 Bestselling Author (Socialnomics)
“The world as we know it is flawed; Empower Us! encourages readers to not be apathetic, but rather excited in making change.”
Ella Feathers, Student UNC, Chapel Hill, Environmental Activist
“EmPower Us! addresses the root cause of the five global crises, ‘dis-eases’ beginning with the degradation of values and the breach of trust. We are born hardwired to universal values. Before we are EmPower(ed) we have to be InPower(ed). The power of universal values can act as catalytic forces for transformation.”
J.E. Rash, President, Legacy International, Values-based Leadership
“EmPower Us! focuses on one of the foundational elements to create a trust economy – the ability to reach, engage and listen to global citizens. Hear the rising voices across geographies, generations, gender and global economies.”
Irfan Verjee, VP Business Value Group, Sprinklr – Europe & Asia
“In today’s world, people talk to themselves rather than engage in genuine conversa¬tion… EmPower Us! stimulates a broader dialogue between generations on the crit¬ical priorities of humanity, driving it to reinvent itself.”
Dr. Joseph O. Okpaku, Sr. CEO, Telecom Africa International Co.
“EmPower Us! is a wise guide for teams committed to creating a generative future together—starting now! With a melange of passion, wit and poetic wisdom, the book encourages us to action on a very human level, and its apt analytic protocols are immediately useful. It sees reality through a whole-system lens. And through its eyes the reader leaps well ahead on the transition from the profit-primacy business norm toward a paradigm of inclusive well being.”
Elsie Maio, CEO, Humanity, Inc. /SoulBranding™ Institute
“A must-read for executives and managers. It provides a comprehensive map of Strategic Transformation, offering excellent insights and practical cases.”
Dr. Sam Wang, Managing Partner, Kotler Marketing Group China