Environmental issues are close to my heart. I think sustainable development is instrumental to a prosperous, human-centered future and that we must use our means of mitigating harm to drive equity as well as perform damage control.
Climate change is just one of many interrelated crises Gen Z is inheriting, including climate change, economic inequalities, and the human toll of this pandemic. We don’t have time to wait for change.
We must generate impact by building bridges between people: technological bridges, social bridges, economic bridges, etc.. The first step to increasing sustainable development is living up to sustainable values through our choices – whether you are a student, a paper-pusher, or an executive, we must act from wherever we find ourselves.
Alongside my freshman year classes at UNC, I’ve been sharing reflections from “EmPower Us! From Crisis to Strategic Harmony.”
What are some global issues that are important to you? How can we overcome and address these challenges? Let’s chat!